Category: News

This is where we have a list of our news past and present

In memory – Louis Barrow

Whether it was dangling from scaffolding (being one of the few people licensed to use the talloscope), setting lights, fixing sound, sewing curtains, cursing the crashing lighting board, producing fantastic lighting design (often with a lot of smoke) or helping us with our foray into projections, there was no one[…]

Michael Magnay RIP

                Earlier in February we sadly lost Michael He was very much involved in theatre in this area for both Spotlight and Benderloch and North Connel Drama Club . Michael was with us for many years in many roles. He stood tall (how could[…]

Show Announcement

We are excited to confirm that our next musical will be “9 to 5 -The Musical” to be performed from 1-4th March 2023 at the Corran Halls, Oban. This musical is based on the 1980 film of the same name with music and lyrics written by Dolly Parton.    

New members welcome

NEW MEMBERS (aged 16+) WELCOME FOR OUR NEXT PRODUCTION – 9 to 5 the Musical   You might want to be on stage or get involved in the equally important roles behind the scenes and front of house. Many things go into putting a show together from set building, making[…]

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