Meet, Eat and Sing

The local singing event, Meet, Eat and Sing will be held on Friday 30th May at St John’s Cathedral on George Street. It is sponsored by the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM).
The primary aim of the RSCM is to “enable the best use of music in Christian worship, church life and in the wider community”. This is achieved in many ways, one of which being local singing events such as Meet, Eat and Sing.
Andrew Reid who became Director of the RSCM (UK), in September 2012 will be our conductor for the evening and Norman Nicholson has agreed to be our organist.
The event is free and is open to all ages keeping in mind that under 18’s must be accompanied by an adult. There will be a retiral collection, the proceeds of which will go to the RSCM and St John’s.
Participants are asked to meet at St John’s and be ready for a 6:30 p.m. start. What normally follows are voice warm ups and instruction on making the most of one’s vocal ability addressing such things as breathing and voice projection and of course to finish, an inspiring selection of music. Normally this music is not provided in advance. A buffet supper hosted by St John’s Cathedral choir will follow the musical part of the evening and the entire event should finish about 9:30 p.m.
It should be an enjoyable and informative evening and we hope as many people as possible will come along. For catering purposes, it would be appreciated if you could give us an idea of the number attending.
Kind Regards
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