In memory – Louis Barrow

Whether it was dangling from scaffolding (being one of the few people licensed to use the talloscope), setting lights, fixing sound, sewing curtains, cursing the crashing lighting board, producing fantastic lighting design (often with a lot of smoke) or helping us with our foray into projections, there was no one quite like Louis Barrow.
Although employed by the Corran Halls as our technician for shows, Louis would always go above and beyond to make our shows better, which quickly made him very much part of Spotlight Musical Theatre Group. This partnership continued for more than 20 years.
He was always there to lend a hand, or offer advice outwith show time. Always great for a laugh and he had a shrewd sense of quick humour. Well read in many aspects of literature as well as technical, and a knowledgeable expert on so many things.
He was our technician, he was our advisor, he was a member, he was a fan, but most importantly he was our friend.
Thanks for all the good times Louis, we will miss you always.
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