Audience invited to take dip in new Govanhill Baths after watching theatre production

Glasgow punters will be given the chance to swim in Govanhill Baths for the first time since it was closed 11 years ago.

A famous Glasgow swimming pool will open for its first public swims today – 11 years since it was closed after a high-profile sit-in campaign.

Punters will be able to take their first dip at Govanhill Baths as part of a specially-devised theatre production.

It will be the first time paying members of the public will have had the chance to swim in the historic baths since Sheriff’s officers dramatically ended a six-month occupation in 2001.

Activists from all over the UK, including Tommy Sheridan and Arthur Scargill, were involved in the highly-charged fight to keep the baths open, with many protestors eventually chaining themselves to the building.

The new show, called Lifeguards, requires audience members to watch wearing swimming costumes – and invites them to take a dip in the newly refurbished pool at the end.

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Daily Record
6th October 2012
by Paul English

National Theatre of Scotland production of “Lifeguard” at Govanhill baths, Glasgow. Nick Millar (L) and Andrew Johnson.
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